Saturday, August 12, 2006

Milo's surgical history

I've known dogs who hate going to the vet. Milo loves going to the vet. I thought that after this accident, he would definitely hate cars, specially taxi cabs, and hospitals. But he doesn't. So he either makes no correlations, loves being in new places with new smells o he's soul is just too good to hate.

During the past 3 years, Milo has had 5 surgeries, for only 3 different problems... poor guy!

If you come from a small town in Texas, chances are you're dog won't be neutered. I actually felt like an irresponsible owner when we moved to NY/NJ because ours was one of the few dogs that was not neutered. Milo had a very nice older vet in NJ, and when we found out he had an infection there, he did not recommend us to neuter him because according to him, only dogs with aggressive personalities needed to be. He also told us that since Milo was a lab, equivalent to food lover, he would gain a lot of weight and cause him heart problems if we did. So he took off the one with the infection.
When we moved to the city we changed vets and when Milo's infection came back in the other testicle, the vet did not hesitate to neuter my baby. His personality changed a lot, he was calmer, but eventually we all adapted and were kind of happy he was not as hyper as before. He became extremely hungry.

Since we moved from TX to NY, Milo had something in his leg that came and went, but nobody was able to tell us what exactly it was and how to treat it. When Milo started limping, it was time to take a closer look. Our vet took all the x-rays, gave him anesthesia, opened him up, saw the infection and decided that she needed a specialist to do this type of job. She closed him up and sent him home.

The following week we took him to a specialist and told us that he did not know what it was, but that he would open him up clean it and hope it would never come back. It turned out to be a fungal infection that he probably caught in TX or Mexico. He was taking pills for the following 6 months. 6 months after he as off medication and 1 year after surgery, the fungus came back but we did not want to opearate again, and decided to treat it with just the pills.

One month later, Milo got hit by a car and lost his fungus-infected leg. No more infections!

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