Thursday, September 21, 2006
He still remebers the accident

A week ago, I was giving Milo his morning walk, and since we (mostly I) get bored of always going around the same block, I thought that this time I will take him around the church, but for that we need to cross Broadway Avenue. This is the same avenue where he had the accident.
The street is divided in the middle by something I call an island (there are benches, trees, flowers, etc).

We crossed to the middle of the street and I approached the edge of the island to check if there were cars coming. Cars passing by very close and very fast scared Milo way more than I expected. He jumped, turned around and wanted to take off running. He seemed VERY scared. I realized that Milo is still traumatized by the accident and that when he was reluctant to walk towards Broadway, it was not because he was tired, but because he was scared.
I feel bad for him. I was scared that he would take off running in the other direction and be hurt again, that I had to be firm with him to stay with me and I did not comfort him at that moment. I keep underestimating him, what he is able to remember, to accomplish, etc.