Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Before she left
Too quiet
Samantha and Milo started to compete for my husband's attention yesterday. It seemed weird to me since Milo had never had to compete for attention and whenever we gave it to some other pet, he seemed ok with it. Now that Samantha and Daisy were here for more than a week, he probably thought it's time to take his place in the family back.
Daisy eventually got comfortable around Milo. So much that they took the same spot on the couch and none of them seemed bothered by the other one. Daisy's space was under the nightstand, but then she found a better hiding place under the bed. I couldn't believe that I could lose a dog in such a small apartment.
The apartment is too quiet... and full of blond, white and brown hair.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Slippery floors
Milo is slipping a lot, and that's probably why he does not play for too long. But he was always slipping. It's not a big difference now.
The three-leg advantage: In order to avoid slipping in the tub when given a bath, he lies down. It is much easier to give him a bath now.
I forget
He walks ahead of me in the long leash because it's easier for him to go faster, so I only see his two hind legs, so I forget he is missing one in the front.
We've had Daisy and Samantha in our apartment for about a week now, and when we take the 3 dogs together for a walk, Milo walks faster and looks more energetic than the other 2, so I forget.
There is always someone who stares at Milo on the streets, since I don't notice he's missing a leg anymore, I always think "they're looking at him because he is gorgeous."
Friday, August 25, 2006
Rosie has arrived in
The poodles were curious when Rosie first arrived and treated her very well… Debbie is convinced they are aware of their own breed and perhaps that she is an older poochie. She is 14 years old!
Dr. Barry checked her out thoroughly……..He was amazed how energetic she was for a poodle her age…..also, her heart is fine… she had heartworm test done and bloodwork to check her organ functions…….Dr. Barry called a few hours later to report all her bloodwork was normal (thank God!).
Her teeth will be cleaned in about 2 weeks and she will have the tumor on her eyelid removed.
She loves the deck and running around the backyard…
Debbie has such a big heart with enough space for a 12th poodle!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
28 days after = progress
and he lifts his hind leg very high!!!!
He used to interrupt his business whenever he lost his balance, but now he just puts his hind leg back down if he looses his balance without interruption.
- If he lifts his right hind leg (same side as the amputation), he uses it to lean it on the tree.
- If he lifts his left hind leg, he needs no support!
Today's Challenge
My challenge: Feed Samantha and Daisy while keeping Milo on a diet... for a week. I walk Milo while I leave Samantha and Daisy alone with the food, but as soon as Milo enters the apartment I have to take their food away.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
One more video
Today's Challenge: Stopping
Click here to see in a larger screen
I guess Milo's next challenge will be to learn how to stop when fetching for a ball. The first time I threw the ball, while trying to stop and catch the ball, he rolled over but it did not seem to bother him at all. Me, on the other hand, that's a different story :(
We threw a couple of balls and sometimes he fell and some other he didn't but no more roll-overs.
water, water, water

It did not matter to Milo, there were still 3 hoses to play with. When Milo is there, Milo does not let anybody get close to the hoses without getting them wet. He assumes they are there to play with him and that's what he does, and today was no different.

We were not able to make him fetch too much, since the water always seems more interesting.
Milo's first day in the dog park
The beagle in the video stuck to Milo all the time he was there. Milo seemed a little bit bothered, but I think Milo was more focused on the water than on the dog. The way I see it, it's payback for all the other dogs Milo bothered before he was neutered.

Friday, August 18, 2006
Thank you, Dakota

Here's the latest present Milo received from Dakota... her human is a friend of my husband. Milo loves this type of toys that make squeeky noises.
Welcome to the club
Thursday, August 17, 2006
No outfit is complete without my Milo's hair
Last year, when he had surgery on the leg that is now gone, they shaved a square of hair off his butt (for the patches) and it took 2 months for the hair to grow back and it was blond!!! It was not a pretty blond either. It was a bright yellow ugly patch on his butt! It took a total of 6 months for his hair to be even.
We are hoping that his hair grows back brown. Although it will be amusing to see if his hair grows yellow again. So far, it seems to be blending pretty well. If he gets a different color, I will definitely post a picture.
About Milo
Milo's pet peeve: He does not like it when other dogs smell his butt... That's the only reason he would growl at another dog. Wouldn't that be the equivalent of a person getting upset when somebody shakes his or her hand?
Milo's nicknames:
- Miloshko (a friend from Romania started calling him that and we just loved it!)
- Milo miloshko
- Gorgeous
- Conchovita (I don't know how to explain this one, but if you know what concha means... he is a big one!)
- Chocolatito
- Chifladoshko (Chiflado=spoiled)
- Goldito (Gordo=fat, I'm not using this one too much, since he went on a diet)
He would take anything, but we can tell some are more precious than others
- Marshmallows
- Salami
- Sausage
- everthing else
- Chill Pill (a gift from Debbie)
- My house shoes to greet whoever comes in through the door
- All the tennis balls he picks up from the streets (how nasty! those don't come in the apartment)
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Before & After Pictures
The Golden Leg

Wow! What we used to take for granted! Milo's front leg is so precious to us right now. I worry that he would get hurt, or something else will come up. When he falls, his front leg bends and I'm always watching out for it
He, on the other hand, sleeps on it, maybe to have some even support under his chest.

Yesterday, we felt bad because we left him by himself, even though we knew that he was going to be well-taken care of. So well that they took him to their apartment to sleep there overnight because we came home late last night. Before we left, just to make ourselves feel better, we gave him a bone ... I'm not sure what they're called... those white ones you buy at the pet store. That's what he had for lunch/dinner today... and he has not asked for more food. I hope he doesn't.
And tomorrow, we start his diet again and get back on track. Hopefully, I will join him soon.
The stairs in the apartment where he spent the night are very narrow and he managed to go up and down without problems!
His place for the night was set up upstairs, but Milo decided to join Samantha downstairs and Samantha shared her big bone with Milo... do I smell romance here?
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
An offline club?
Monday, August 14, 2006
happy three-week anniversary, Milo!

Although the recovery period is a give or take a couple of days, I've been counting the days until the three weeks of recovery have passed and I get my normal back!
We were invited to a bbq on Saturday and Milo was especially asked to join. Once we know he is good (balance-wise) to go for walks on uneven grounds we will take him to Ramapo to a lake so that he can swim.
Milo's online friends
Here's the blog for another dog, Xena, who had surgery around the same time as Milo did, but she is probably more clever than Milo, since Xena is doing all the writing, and with only one paw ;) I haven't given Milo the chance to destroy sticks, but I guess he will learn eventually, like Xena.

Tyler is a beautiful dog who just had surgery 2 days ago. Her mom, Amy, keep us updated about his progress and he seems to be doing very well.
Xena and Amy: I hope you don't mind I copied your pictures. Let me know!
Couch Carrot

Before the accident, he would "ask" to be invited to the couch. I had not invited him, because, embarrassed to admit, Milo has not taken a shower for a while now. But today, I couldn't resist. I wanted Milo on the couch probably more that he wanted to be on it.
More pictures

Since we're so proud of how well Milo is walking, actually hopping around, we took a lot of pictures of him today, and we would like to share them. His head, ears, AND tongue are jumping up and down all the way from the apartment to the park and then back. I wonder if he gets dizzy...

Milo took the steps from the park and he managed them like any 4-legged dog. The sun is strong in NY these days, so he was hot but really happy.
A day in the park

Milo went to the park today and was very well behaved. We usually cannot stay at the park for very long because he starts barking. And once he starts, he can go forever. It's always because he either does not like to be tied up to a tree or he does not like to wait for anything (red lights, when we stop to have a conversation, etc). Since Milo gets more tired now, we were able to enjoy the park for about one hour.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Milo's surgical history
During the past 3 years, Milo has had 5 surgeries, for only 3 different problems... poor guy!
- One testicle
- Neuter
- Infection
- Fungal infection- 2nd try

- Amputation :(
Friday, August 11, 2006
19 days after surgery
Today Milo had his longest walk since the surgery. We walked to Riverside Park and then to Starbucks and then back to the apartment. I guess that would be about 24 blocks. He was exhausted!
He seems very happy. He is picking up branches along the way. He pulled us towards the dog park, but we had to say no because 1) it was kind of late already to be inside the park, and 2) he would be so tired by the time we get there that he would just have to lie down.
We might end up driving him there so that he keeps his energy for the park.
It seems to be getting easier for Milo to pee on 2 legs, although sometimes he needs to interrupt it to avoid falling. Other than that, he has not lost his balance or fallen today.
It is easier for him to hold his balance when he lifts his left hind leg, so he has support in the front with the left leg and in the back with the right leg. I hope he is making a note of that.
No concerns here. Milo is barking again. Milo does not bark too much in general. Not even when someone knocks on the door. He only barks when he is happy, excited, or wants food.
18 days after surgery
It might not be a big deal to Milo, but to me it definitely is. Milo was able to pee on 2 legs today, for about 10-15 seconds, but only once. The rest of the times he either did it on 3 legs, or for just 3-5 seconds. I'm a proud mom :)
We tried 2 steps today and he slipped going up. Did it fine going down.
Then we tried 5 steps and he went up and down without a problem.
The way to the closest dog park from our apartment has many many steps, so I hope that Milo learns to take them.
It seems that it will be easier for him to run than to walk.
Next step: The couch
Thursday, August 10, 2006
The perfect leash
Here's what we've tried:
- Short leash: Not meant to prevent pulling
- Chocker: Milo did not stop pulling but developed a cough because the chocker hurt his throat
- Harness: Milo kept pulling, but it was easier to hold him. He learned to take it off.
- Gentle leader: The best solution we ever found, BUT...
- It broke once and Milo ran to the streets. He was lucky that no car hit him
- He does not like it, so he got in the habit of walking between my legs or going between stranger's legs to take it off... that could be embarrasing
- He does not learn to not pull. It's not good for training
Live and learn?
Lucky to be alive, no need to learn. Aren't labs supposed to be smart? Milo understands a lot of things, but he only listens when he gets a treat in exchange or any other benefit, such as a nap on the couch. Milo keeps pulling towards the park in such a way that he could get loose again. Is he suicidal?
Counting the days...
I've been giving Milo longer walks, but it takes us forever to go around the block since he requests 2 or 3 breakes along the way. I think that eventually this will pass, once he gets used to it and loses more weight.
He is falling more often. It does not seem like he is getting the hang of it (to pee on 2 legs). He, more often than not, does not lift his hind leg; but whenever he does it, he falls on his right shoulder.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Dado de Alta!!! Staples are out :)
The vet said that Milo's incision healed beautifully and that since Milo seems to want to run around, he should! He confirmed that Milo's eye will slowly go back to normal. Our major concern now is his golden leg. The vet told us that since the growth that he removed was in a place with very thick skin, it takes a while to heal. He also said that since Milo is not putting any weight on it, we should not worry too much about it, but to keep it clean and prevent him from licking it. He did not put a bandage on it since it is the one good leg and he did not want to make Milo uncomfortable.
We went to the Animal Medical Center with a van service, and the driver, un paisano, had to lift Milo to help him inside the van. On the way back, I took a regular yellow cab and Milo had absolutely no problem getting on or off the cab. Yeah!!!! I guess it's a good thing we don't own an SUV or a mini van.
Milo seems happier now that the staples are out. In a few minutes, we will go out for a full round around the block... for the first time in 2 weeks!
Getting lighter
He seems hungry. He eats a lot of grass when we are outside. He eats carrots as treats.
Should I be helping him?
Monday, August 07, 2006
With the gang!

Sam and Daisy are great pets. Daisy is loud and "brave" when she is outside. Once she was in our apartment, she was very shy and hid behind the furniture.
Samantha is all love. Cuera! She demands attention and is very persistent. She made herself comfortable immediately.
They both were smelling Milo's scar. I thought that was odd.
Milo has never been a territorial dog, so having Samantha and Daisy in our apartment is not a big deal. He does seem to want more attention when they are here. I hope he was not insecure, although a little bit of jealousy won't hurt him.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Saturday, August 05, 2006
First trip to the park

Related Links
Friday, August 04, 2006
Setbacks or just adjusting?
Milo has fallen a couple of times. He insists on lifting his hind leg to pee. When he lifts the left hind leg, he puts weight on his right shoulder until he reaches the floor.
NYC streets are for Milo what Las Vegas buffets are for humans. He eats anything that is or was at one point edible whenever we go out for walks. I'm trying to keep him away from this nasty habit, but I don't want to pull him as hard as I used to, since he's still learning how to balance, how to turn around and how to walk in reverse. I tried to pull him away from a piece of bread and made him fall. That did not distract him away from the bread. He ate it and now I'm wondering how many extra calories he ate.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Getting better and better...
It's very hot in NYC today. Milo would love to have longer walks, but I have to pull him to turn him around and go back to the apartment. He is exhausted.
Today I saw Milo trying to put weight on the leg he does not have anymore :(. He lost his balance, but did not fall. We were told that this will happen but that the dog will eventually compensate for the missing leg by putting more weight on the other one.
Like any dog, I would imagine, when Milo wanted food or a walk or just attention he would use his paw to scratch me. Today I saw him moving his right shoulder. I guess he was trying to get my attention by using the leg he no longer has :(.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
More answers...
Our vet from the ER put us in contact with another vet who has a three-legged dog and whose parents also have a three-legged dog, in order to learn what to expect from Milo after surgery. She called us today.
She told us that he probably has not barked because his trachea might be sore from the tube used for anesthesia. Today, my husband got Milo excited with a treat, he barked! He finally barked!
She also told us that her dog and her parents' dog (a 100lb labrador) are getting along fine with just three legs. They do run and swim slower than four-legged dogs, but they can swim even without a vest. What she does with her dog is she throws the ball for him to fetch and does not let her other dogs go after it, so that the three-legged dog does not feel like he has to compete for it.
Milo's self-esteem will be low for the next few weeks until he recovers fully, since they do know that there is something missing and that something is not completely ok. She says that it will take about 3 weeks until we see the "normal" Milo again. That's 12 days to go! Yes... I'm counting!
Some answers to my questions :) Finally!
He still ignores us when we call his name, but we don't think he is deaf since he can hear the noises that come from the kitchen. Always food-oriented!
My mom, a doctor for humans, told me that since his head was also hit by the cab and when he landed on the pavement, his head still has an inflamation, and that it might take about 40 days for the inflamation to go down. Since that is the norm for humans, I'm hoping that since Milo's head is smaller it will be back to normal sooner. But now that we know this, we can at least be more patient and understanding with his ups and downs.
Milo, surrounded by presents!

Yesterday, Milo received a care package from his "cousins" from Texas. They sent him a toy and a hand-made card. He's already greeting us with the toy.
Today, our little neighbors came to see Milo and to give him a bag of treats and a get-well-soon card with a drawing of Milo (check out the 3 legs!!!). The treats seem pretty healthy, so we're hoping we can incorporate them into his diet.
Debbie was very kind and generous with a package full of treats, cards, and other thoughtful details.
Milo sends all of you a lick in the face as a big thank you!
You can tell from the middle picture that he is getting more comfortable ;)
Milo's Eyes

This picture on the left was taken the day after he arrived(07/27). The picture above was taken today. His eyelid looks normal already but the pupils are still different sizes.
Our vet (from the ER) put us in contact with another vet who has a three-legged dog and she told us that the right pupil will adjust eventually (about three months), but it will not be perfect, although almost unnoticeable.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Getting better
He was able to keep one of his back legs up when peeing for a little longer today. I saw a picture of a three-leegged dog that was able to balance himself on two legs while peeing. So we are hopeful.
We are trying to make him bark. "What do you want?" we asked him. He gets very excited, obviously wants food, and tries his luck. He goes first to the fridge, or to the stove to check what's there. If he does not get something from there, then he goes to his bag of food. He makes noises, but not a real bark.
We'll keep trying!